One of the things I can't get over with the new job is the huge unmeasurable amount of talking that is done. And most of the time is for nothing.
They have conferece calls for absolutely everything. Some days there are two conference calls to talk about the same thing!! (literally to repeat it to different people)
It drives me nuts how these are not productive at all, and the time wasted could've been used doing what they talk so much about doing.
Don't get me wrong, this is a big company spread all over the world and we need the meetings to know what everyone is doing, but I do believe it goes over the top most of the time.
My boss is constantly on meeting, which a few minutes between them to actually do his work! He ends up staying up until 11:00 PM at least every night to take care of e-mails and do any work he has to do.
Sometimes I wonder if they do it on purpose. It is always easier to escape to a meeting instead of doing what you have to do.
My approach,I find, is much better. Twitter, blogs and MSN messenger can always fill my day. I'll do my work on the spare time.
You'd think they'd know I don't work that hard, but they always love my results, and think I am wonderful! =)
So my theory of having fun while working, may just be what everyone needs to deliver!
White winter lights
1 month ago
O meu último emprego era assim, acabei concluindo que meu chefe era pago pelo número de reuniões que ele fazia... :-)
E estou tendo problemas com os comentários no Firefox, tive que usar o IE para postar este.
Hahaha, pior que lá no trampo nem rola dessa, se fôsse isso eu até entenderia. É falta de organização e competência mesmo.
E um saco essa do blogspot eu nem me dei ao trabalho de fazer no meu domínio pra não ter dor de cabeça... Hmm, depois eu vejo isso com calma então. Valeu pelo toque!
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