I do succumb to procrastination. Fact.
Is hard to get around things I have to do. Not because I am lazy or because I dislike doing them, sometimes I feel is because I know if I do them too quickly, they will be finished too fast, and then I will be left to think, and as you may have noticed it doesn't always means something good comes out of it.
When I get thinking I usually get paranoid a bit, I over think, over analyze, over rationalize my life (and sometime other peoples life too).
So lately I have caught myself completely addicted to facebook games.
I am @ Farmville, Country Story (another farm) and Café World.
Useless as they are - there is no prize, no reward, almost no competition either - it has almost the same effect as TV has on me.
It switches me off, it stops my head from going a hundred per hour. It gets me hypnotized, and it distracts me from the things I have to do, to think about...
By blogging, I get news about other peoples lives, I can comment, offer my opinion, without having to think about my own life. I stop whatever I am doing to post. But is weird, is like once I put them down on black and white they stop following me in my head, is like they come out to never bother me again ( I will write more about this on another post).
I wonder if people realize the same. We could all be addicted to these things just escaping from our reality :\ But could be again, I am over analysing it. It could be we are all just bored. Maybe is just me exaggerating it all, something I do too (see the drama? Over thinking and exaggerating? Not good!)
I do need to cut the time I spend on the whole online surfing (twitter, blogs, facebook, facebook games, etc) but I also think if that is a blessing in disguise. Knowing myself like I do, any opportunity for my mind to start brewing something where I will end up like the villain will be taken up and that will push me down.
So my online surfing habits could all also be the cheapest therapy in the world :)
“It is neither good nor bad, but thinking makes it so.” - William Shakespeare
White winter lights
1 month ago
Concordo com vc, sim. É um jeito de escapar da realidade, mas um dia a gente se enche disso e passa a gastar menos tempo online. Eu sou cheia dessas "fases". Acho que isso é um mal feminino, né? Pensamos demais, mudamos de vontades...hahaha.
A Nanda disse... são fases. Eu já passei mais e menos tempo online, mas para mim é terapia e é importante porque meu trabalho está diretamente relacionado à escrita. Não acho ruim, porque não deixo de fazer nada para ficar online, como sair, por exemplo... mas se estou de bobeira, eu prefiro a net à TV. Ou um livro, acima de tudo :) Beijos!!
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