... I am pretty surprised how now I think, dream and express myself better using this language.
I know my English is not perfect (far from it) and I know I make - a lot of - mistakes but for some weird reason when I try to write in Portuguese nowadays, I think it looks like a 10 years old wrote it.
Maybe the real problem is the fact I like to write like I talk, and for the best part of the last 7 years I have been talking in English, and definitely in the last year this has been at least 95% of the rate Portuguese/English use for me.
Is funny like some expressions simply take over, some expressions which don't have translation to Portuguese or sometimes I can't even recall how you would say something in Portuguese (the other day I was struggling to remember how to say lamb/sheep).
Don't get me wrong, I haven't forgotten my mother tongue, I don't believe it is possible to happen to anyone!
I just think my brain is better trained now to work in English. I love Portuguese, I am happy my Squeedge is also learning it so we can speak Portuguese between us, I still speak Portuguese with my Brazilian friends I have here, I write Portuguese e-mails, I listen to Brazilian music, I read Brazilian news... I always make sure I don't loose contact with it, just in case...
I like the richness of our language, but maybe that's exactly why my brain takes the English route, it is so much simpler! :)
So here you go, this is why I write in English, but I have put a translator on the write side of the blog, and you can comment either way, as long as it is one of the two!
White winter lights
1 month ago
A gente esquece sim, Lelei, mesmo sendo a nossa língua natal. O vocabulário vai embora.
O português de certos parentes da Lydia, que estão aqui já faz mais de 30 anos, é quase indecifrável. Muito disso é preguiça, mas eu mesmo já perdi muito do meu português, que era bem bom. Agora às vezes não consigo lembrar como se fala coisas simples, como a sua "ovelha" aí. :-)
O que ajuda é que a gente fala português em casa, pelo menos. Misturado com inglês, mas fala.
Má, a gente perde quando está em contato 100% com outra língua e cultura, normal. Se quiser treinar o portuga comigo, manda e-mail hehehe. Mas óia, desculpa, eu continuo preferindo responder em português porque meu inglês era melhor quando eu tinha 16 do que agora, hahaha, então tenho vergonha. Beijos. Fê.
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