Lately my head has been bubbling more than usual, this time with things I want to do with my life.
After more than a year in the limbo, not knowing what to do, and/or not having the stamina or the will to do whatever I started thinking about, now I can't wait to start it.
As some know, I used to do web design as a hobby. I had quite the following crowd and even though I wasn't never the code-master (I went by mostly using codes from tutorials, the net and friends) and my real passion is the design bits, the messing up with the pictures, colors, the putting together of images, with texts, with things that popped out of my head.
And now I see myself centered again, sane again - and dare I say - happy again, it's like a flood in my veins. Website projects I had forgot about all coming back, wanting me to give them a try, to even go and try have fun with coding, with learning, with letting my ideas run free, and the more ideas I have, more ideas they bring, is like a chain.
I need to revive these projects, these contacts, these ideas will have to become true.
In a way I believe I've avoided trying to bring them to life on fear of failure. But what is life without failures? Without start-overs? Being kicked in the teeth and still smile like you mean it?
And really, is not the end of the world failing on something that didn't exist before anyway. Is not like I am risking my savings, my life, my happiness. It will be like a game, and I will try and be the best on it I can be.
As with every decision I make in life, I have to ask myself: What could go terrible wrong really?
The websites turning out to be a flop, no one will be interested in them and I go back to life without web design. But I'll have tried, and hopefully had fun while doing it.
Mmm, sounds like a win/win deal to me!
What I can't let happen is these thoughts stay inside of me and never come to life. If they are not good enough to survive, at least I'll know I gave them the chance to breath and die.
Other plans for the future include big, no, huge things. But I will talk about them as they come. Life taught me too much planning/expectation means too much disappointment.
And I am willing to play by life rules from now on :)
White winter lights
1 month ago
Oi, Lelei. Que bom que me Esse mundo blogueiro é mesmo pequeno...
Esse seu cantinho vai servir pra exercitar meu Inglês. Vc está certíssima em se arriscar. O importante é continuarmos em busca pela felicidade. Eu até agora não sei o que quero da vida (profissionalmente mas continuo indo em busca da realização. Boa sorte!
Bjs, Nanda
Brigada Nanda :) E to adorando achar as amigas de outrora! Pode treinar o que precisar, que tal treinar reponder em ingles tambem? ;) Beijos!
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