Things one should think about improving to make one's life better.
Pack healthy snacks to eat along the day !check! I am known for doing so and my friends are always snacking off my stock too,lol. I Hate feeling hungry because I believe this kills your muscle tissue which means more fat in your body so I avoid it at all costs! But yeah, sometimes I do forget to pack it....
After 30's you kinda need to think a bit about these things - without being too paranoid !check! Don't know about the not being paranoid bit, but yeah, its weird like after 30 (even if just a few months after, I may add) I naturally think more about it, like you start to know you're not in this life forever and you need to make an effort to make most of it.
Smile and laugh more !check! I laugh at everything. And smile too. I am soo easy! And silly.
Drink a lot of water !check! I drink tons of water already. I also use the excuse to get a break and stretch my legs to get water. I was never a fan of fizzy pop and juice is only nice for me with food. I think I should thank my parents and my schools to make sure I was always into water and juice/fizzy pop were only for special occasions :)
Keep your back straight x Need to work more on this one. Posture was always a problem for me, the only time I can remember having a great posture is when I did swimming lessons. Shame here they don't have it as the same package as the membership. But will try yoga or just being more conscious about it.
Be less online and more live action !check! I think I've been pretty good with this one since last year! I rarely refuse an invite to meet up and come up with ideas as well... Sometimes I try to make "online friendships" to become "real" ones, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be working, unfortunately. So now I do my best, I offer my phone and my time. If they want to take it good, if not, what more can one do, really? I am just content I got to keep the online thingy going on as well :)
Drink less alcohol !check! I've been cutting my alcohol intake a lot. I never drunk a lot per se, but during the last year I was having at least a glass on Fridays, but it turned into two and then you don't want to leave half a bottle there... So I stopped it. I have it small bottles (they sell tiny ones here which comes with 2 glasses worth of wine) when I feel like it, or will drink some when with friends and not driving...
Pay attention to things around you !check! Hehehe, that's something I am always doing as well. I guess as I am working from home now is a bit more difficult but even driving around, or just watching TV or surfing the net I am always trying to catch new things in the air and notice people, things around me. They intrigue me, I always catch myself thinking about their past, what brought them there.
Take more photos. Write more. Life is too busy to expect our poor
little brain to remember everything. !check! Could not agree more. I am always a great fan of pictures and videos and anything that helps our poor memory/attention spam.
Sing !check! I am always singing, humming. So yeah, check that too.
Adding a few of my own:
* Forgive - Life is too short for begrudges.
* Give up - Nothing wrong with failure, it's only a sign you've tried. If you know you've tried your best, don't waste more energy than is needed and move on. Life will sort things out.
* Dance - is there a better way to just let your body go as it wishes? (Ok there is, but preferably in public dancing is still a better choice of not getting arrested.)
* Make jokes - You never know when people will find it funny (or that is so bad is good ) and is a great feeling to make someone laugh or just smile :)
* Compliment people - Forget about weakness, let's try some strong point for a change and it is bound to go back to you, even when you don't want to.
* Pay attention to the sky. It gets you thinking beautiful things, even when is gray and dark. You know one day the clouds will go and all will be fine again. Inevitably.
* Say what you think - but without being rude, just strong. Life is short to live one that is not your own.
* Mean what you say. Always.
* Look on the bright side of life. Pollyana style all the way for me.
1 comment:
Vixe, a coisa da postura é a pior pra mim... eu faço RPG, natação e tal, mas eu tenho a coluna tortinha por má postura da vida toda (e problemas congênitos). Ou seja, por mim eu viveria torta, rsrsrs, mas me policio. Beijos.
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